廖湘萍(1970-),湖南常德人,教授,博士,硕士生导师,物理教育硕士方向带头人。中国物理学会高师光学与物理实验教学研究会理事,省科技厅评审专家,省级精品课程《电磁学》负责人,省青年骨干教师培养对象,湖南工业大学学报编辑委员会委员。2004年毕业于湖南师范大学物理系,获硕士学位。2007年毕业于湖南师范大学物信院,获博士学位。主要从事量子信息方面的科学研究,在« Quantum. Inf. Process »、« Laser Phys. Lett.»等重要学术刊物上发表40余篇论文,被SCI 收录30余篇。主持省自科基金与省教育厅重点项目4项、省教育厅优秀青年项目1项,参与国家及省部级课题10余项。
1.Liao X P,Pan C N, Rong M S, Fang M F. Effect of partial-collapse measurement on quantum Stackelberg duopoly game in noninertial frame. Quantum Inf. Process . 18:91, 2019 (SCI)
2.Liao X P *,Rong M S, Fang M F*, Protecting and enhancing spin
squeezing from decoherence using weak measurements. Laser Phys. Lett.14 065201, 2017 (SCI)
3.Liao X P*,Fang M F, Zhou X, Effects of partial-collapse measurement on the parameter-estimation precision of noisy quantum channels. Quantum Inf Process 16:241, 2017 (SCI)
4.Liao X P*,Ding X Z, Fang M F , Improving the payoffs of cooperators in three-player cooperative game using weak measurements. Quantum Inf Process . 14:4395–4412, 2015 (SCI)
5.Liao X P*, Fang M F, Fang J S*, and Zhu Q Q. Preserving entanglement and the fidelity of three-qubit quantum states undergoing decoherence using weak measurement. Chin. Phys.B. 23: 020304-1-7, 2014 (SCI, cited: 36,被CPB编辑部遴选为高被引频次的文章予以宣传奖励)
6.Liao X P,Fang M F*,Cai J W,and Zheng X J. The entanglement of two dipole-dipole coupled atoms interacting with a thermal field via a two-photon process. Chin. Phys.B. 17(06): 2137-2142, 2008 (SCI, cited: 36)
7.Liao X P,Fang M F*, Zheng X J, Cai J W. Coherence-controlled entanglement and nonlocality of two qubits collectively interacting with a thermal reservoir. Phys. Lett. A 367 : 436-444, 2007 (SCI, cited: 19)
8.Liao X P,Fang M F*. Entropy squeezing for a two-level atom in motion interacting with a quantized field. Physica A. 2004,332 176-184 (SCI, cited: 22)
9.Liao X P,Fang M F*,Zhou Q P. Quantum entanglement in the SU(1,1)- relatedcoherent fields interacting with a moving atom. Physica A 2006,365 351-359 (SCI)
10.Liao X P, Fang M F*, Chen X M, Cai J W, Zheng X J. Quantum entanglement in a system of two spatially separated atoms driven by an external coherent laser field . J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 7 : 323 –328, 2005 (SCI)
11.Liao X P*,Fang M F, Rong M S , Zhou X. Protecting free-entangled and bound-entangled states in a two-qutrit system under decoherence using weakmeasurements. Journal of Modern Optics, 64:12, 1184-1191, 2017 (SCI)
12.Liao X P*,Zhou X,Fang M F. Improving qubit phase estimation in amplitude-damping channel by partial-collapse measurement. Int. J. Theor. Phys, 57(3): 909–916, 2018 (SCI)
13.Liao X P*,Fang M F, Fang J S,Entanglement purification and amplification of three-qubit states using two-outcome weak measurements. Journal of Modern Optics,61(12):1018-1026, 2014 (SCI)
14.Liao X P*, Fang J S, Fang M F. Coherence-controlled stationary entanglement between two atoms embedded in a bad cavity injected with squeezed vacuum. Cent. Eur. J. Phys. 12(1): 9-16, 2014 (SCI)
15.Liao X P*,Fang J S,Fang M F, Liu B and Huang Z. Entanglement and quantum discord dynamics of two atoms in a broadband squeezed vacuum bath. Int. J. Theor. Phys 52:1729–1739, 2013 (SCI)
16.Liao X P*,Fang J S, Fang M F. Steady-state discord between two qubits coupled
collectively to a thermal reservoir. Int. J. Theor. Phys 50(9): 2631-2643, 2011 (SCI)
17.Liao X P*,Fang J S, Fang M F. Sudden death and revival of entanglement of two qubits coupled collectively to a thermal reservoir. Chin. Phys.B. 19(09): 094203-094210, 2010 (SCI)
18.Liao X P,Fang M F*, Zheng X J, Cai J W. Stationary entanglement between two spatially separated atoms driven by a coherent laser field. Chin. Phys., 16(05):1357-1363 , 2007 (SCI)
19.Liao X P,Fang M F*,Zheng X J,Cai J W. Quantum entanglement in a system of two spatially separated atoms coupled to the thermal reservoir. Chinese Phys. Lett. 23 3138- 3141 , 2006 (SCI)
20.Liao X P,Fang M F*, Zheng X J, Cai J W. Three-body entanglement induced by spontaneous emission in a three two-level atoms system. Chin. Phys. 15 353-364, 2006 (SCI)
1. 2016年,主持省自然科学基金面上项目:开放多体系统中的量子关联动力学及调控研究(批准号:2016JJ2044)。主持。
2. 2016 年,主持湖南省教育厅重点项目:基于弱测量操作下的三能级开放系统的非经典效应(批准号:16A057)。主持。
3. 2011 年,主持湖南省教育厅重点项目:耗散系统中原子纠缠态的制备、控制及量子信息处理(批准号:10A026)。主持。
4. 2006 年,主持湖南省自然基金项目:自发辐射系统中原子纠缠态的制备及量子信息处理(批准号:06JJ4003)。主持。
5. 2004 年,主持湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目:光场与原子的压缩和信息熵压缩研究(批准号:04B070)。主持。
6. 2017 年,参与国家自然科学基金项目:微纳异质超构材料中Fano共振及等离激元诱导透明的调制与机理研究(批准号:11604094)。排名第二。
7. 2006年,“电磁学”省级精品课程负责人。
1. 2008 年,“耗散系统中纠缠态的制备、控制与非局域性”, 湖南师范大学优秀博士学位论文。
2. 2008年,主持的湖南省自然基金课题“自发辐射系统中原子纠缠态的制备及量子信息处理”, 顺利结题,综合评价为“优”,。
3. 2005 年,湖南师范大学:“优秀研究生”。
4. 2004年,确定为湖南省普通高校青年骨干教师培养对象。