陈展斌(1985 - ),湖南衡阳人,国防科技大学博士后,主要从事天体物理、原子结构和碰撞动力学相关的理论研究。参与国家自然科学基金 3项、主持国家青年科学基金 1 项、主持博士后科学基金 1 项。多次参加国内、国际学术会议,提交摘要并做大会报告。 至今已公开发表期刊论文50 余篇, 其中SCI收录40 余篇。包括: 国际顶尖刊物The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 4篇(一区SCI,影响因子: 11.257);国际权威期刊 Phys. Rev. A,J. Phys. B 等第一/通讯作者20 余篇。担任多个IOP science 期刊的审稿人。
1.Kun Ma,Zhan-Bin Chen*,Lu-You Xie, Chen-Zhong Dong. Polarization transfer of x-ray transition due to photoionization in highly charged copper-like ions J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 045203 (2018)
2.Kai Wang,Zhan-Bin Chen, Chun Yu Zhang, Ran Si, Per Jonsson, Henrik Hartman, Ming Feng Gu, Chong Yang Chen, and Jun Yan.Benchmarking Atomic Data for Astrophysics: Be-like Ions between B II and Ne VII. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 234, 40 (2018)
3.Zhan-Bin ChenApplication of relativistic distorted-wave method to electron-impact excitation of highly charged Fe XVIIV ion embedded in weakly coupled plasmas. Physics of Plasmas 25 052105 (2018)
4.Zhan-Bin Chen, Kun Ma, Hong-Wei Hu, and Kai Wang. Relativistic effects on the energy levels and radiative properties of He-like ions immersed in Debye plasmas. Physics of Plasmas 25, 072120 (2018)
5.K.Wang, P. Jӧnsson, J. Ekman, G. Gaigalas, M. R. Godefroid, R. Si,Z. B. Chen* S. Li, C.Y. Chen, and J. Yan, Extended calculations of spectroscopic data: energy levels, lifetimes and transition rates for o-like ions from Cr xvii to Zn xxiii . The. Astrophy. J. Suppl. Ser. 229,37 (2017)
6.Xiaobin Liu,Yinglong Shi,Yongzhong Xing, Feiping Lu andZhanbin ChenCorrelation and relativistic effects in 2p photoionization of Na: Fine-structure photoelectron spectra over the energy range 12.5-14.7 eV J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50, 045003 (2017)
7.Kun Ma,Zhan-Bin Chen *, Lu-You Xie, Chen-Zhong Dong and Yi-Zhi Qu.Relativistic effects on the linear polarization and angular distribution of x-ray radiation emitted by inner-shell photoionization of atomsJ. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 225202 (2017)
8.Xiaoqing Hu, Congzhang Gao,Zhan-Bin Chen, Yong Wu, Jianguo Wang, and Yang Wang.Electron impact ionization with Ne(2p) and Ar(3p) at intermediate energies: Role of the postcollision interaction. Phys. Rev. A 96 052701 (2017)
9.Zhan-Bin Chen, Chen-Zhong Dong and Jun Jiang, Dominance of the Breit interaction in the cross section and circular polarization of x-ray radiation following longitudinally polarized electron impact excitation of highly charged ions. Phys. Rev. A 90, 022715 (2014)
10.K.Wang,Z. B. Chen, R. Si, P. Jӧnsson, J. Ekman, X.L. Guo, S. Li, F.Y. Long, W. Dang, X.H. Zhao, R. Hutton, C.Y. Chen, and J. Yan. Extended relativistic configuration interaction and many-body perturbation calculations of spectroscopic data for the n <6 configurations in Ne-like ions between Cr XV and Kr XXVII The. Astrophy. J. Suppl. Ser. 226, 14 (2016)
11.Z. B. Chen, J. L. Zeng and C. Z. Dong, Relativistic effects on the cross section and circular polarization of x-ray radiation following longitudinally-polarized electron impact excitation of highly charged ions. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48, 045202 (2015 )
12.Z. B. Chen, J L Zeng, H.W.Hu, and C Z Dong, The contribution of the magnetic quadrupole to the angular distribution and polarization of electron-impact excitation and dielectronic recombination in highly charged ions. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48, 144005 (2015)
13.Zhan-Bin Chen, Chen-Zhong Dong, Jun Jiang, and Lu-You Xie, Influence of Debye plasma on the cross section and linear polarization of x-ray radiation following inner-shell electron-impact excitation of highly charged Be-like Sc17+ ions. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48, 144030 (2015)
14.Z. B. Chen and J. L. Zeng, Dominance of the radiative cascades in the cross section and circular polarization of x-ray radiation J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48, 245201 (2015)
15.Z. B. Chen, C. Z. Dong, L. Y. Xie, and J. Jiang, Influence of quantum interference on the polarization and angular distribution of x-ray radiation following electron impact excitation of highly charged H-like and He-like ions. Phys. Rev. A 90, 012703 (2014)
5.2013年,国家自然科学基金面上项目,11274254, 高电荷态原子电子碰撞辐射极化特性的理论研究,2013/01-2016/12,80万元,已结题,参与,排名第二。
1.2013年博士研究生国家奖学金 教育部