1. Shuchao Li, Lifang Zhao*, On the extremal total reciprocal edge-eccentricity of trees, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 433 (2016) 587-602.
2. Huihui Zhang, Shuchao Li, Lifang Zhao*, On the further relation between the (revised) Szeged index and the Wiener index of graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 206 (2016) 152-164.
3. Lifang Zhao, Heping Zhang*, On resonance of (4,5,6)-fullerene graphs, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 80 (2018) 227-244.
4. Lifang Zhao, Hongshuai, Li, Yuping Gao*, On the extremal graphs with respect to the total reciprocal edge-eccentricity, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 39 (2020) 115-137.
5. Lifang Zhao, Heping Zhang*, On the anti-KeKulé number of (4,5,6)-fullerenes, Disrete Applied Mathmatics, 283 (2020) 577-589.